What is Student Coaching?
Student coaching is one-on-one coaching for students in high school and college aimed at helping the students identify what they want to do in their careers. In the coaching sessions, the student is taken through a self-exploration process that includes the utilisation of assessment tools that aid in identifying the students likes, abilities, and hidden talents.
Program Contents:
- Planning: We meet with the client (usually by phone) to review the process, establish roles and responsibilities and determine goals.
- Coaching Engagement: Initial Session: The first session is to set objectives, establish a schedule and begin to create the development plan.
- Remaining Sessions: We discuss challenges or obstacles the student is facing and review progress toward the development plan goals and discuss strategies for achieving them.
- Debrief and Evaluation: At a time when the development plan has been established, and goals have been achieved, we may discuss how to establish the success we have created and establish a maintenance check-in engagement to ensure the clarity achieved during the sessions remains through out the students college experience.